Monday 2 July 2007

Failed at the first hurdle!!

I'm not doing too well at this. Last week I decided to try to blog each day. Unfortunately, I only managed 2 days out of 6. Last weekend, Pathfinder, went excellently, even with the rain!!!

Friday, the Explorers worked really hard to get the camp together. Fantastic job. Followed, closely by the opening ceremony. After which was the evening activity. Each unit had a box of bits and they had to create a device to fire a bean bag/tennis ball a distance. Our unit's attempt is shown below (The upsidedown table!!):

Unfortunately their actual firing attempt managed -2 inches. They all laughed at it tho. It was quite funny especially as they didn't have a practice attempt because they took too long setting it up!!! So, basically they spent about 20 minutes setting up to accidently fire backwards.

Saturday saw Explorers on activities and me sorting disco equipment out for the evening do. While I was checking all lights were working, I took this picture:

Disco was brilliant. Unfortunately, someone (not sure who!!! :-) ) put the Birdie song on. But all the Explorers danced to it!! It was a great atmosphere.

Sunday came with the 3rd day of camping in the rain, but luckily everything dried out in the afternoon when the sun came out. Laura (Junior) was also in camp with her Explorer unit and my close friends Julie and Adam. Unfortunately on the Saturday morning she twisted her ankle while Skiing, so her Explorers drove her round in a trolley all weekend:

Very funny!!! It was time to sleep by the time we had got the minibus away and all the kit. All in all, a great weekend tho.

Tonight is Explorers. Not sure what we are doing yet!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh thanx fitz make me look like the prat! why do u write a blog?? seems a bit daft???