Monday 9 July 2007

IST job allocations have landed!!!

But before we get onto the job allocations, there was last weekend.

District Camp

By the end of last week, the Jamboree seemed months away. With setting tents up Thursday night, food ordering Wednesday night and arriving out at District Camp Friday night, it was all a little confused!! By Friday, my car was more than a little dead. It's making a really horrid scraping noise. I think it's either the clutch or the gear box. Not a nice noise!!!

I've just found out that the gear box has gone and the clutch is on it's way out. A new clutch and a second-hand gear box is going to cost me about £260. Nice piece of information for a Monday!


This weekend, once again the Explorers have been excellent. They've had great fun doing loadsa different things. I think the highlight of the weekend was when they took Sam on the bouncy castle and they all played with him very gently so that he could enjoy it. Sam loved it!!

IST Jobs

So, which brings me on to IST jobs. Claire came over to see me over the weekend and informed me that the jobs had been listed on the internet. Unfortunately I couldn't remember my number. When I got back, I had a closer look and found my number. I'm TBA. To Be Allocated. So is Lod, however, we did both put the same things down. Makes sense that we are both TBA!!. I've spoken to Junior and she's on Food and Trading. The title kinda gives it away!!.

So, basically Lod and I won't probably know until we get down to Hylands Park. Kinda makes it more exciting, but you can't plan to take certain items depending on the job you're doing.

Time for Explorers soon, apple pie making this evening, so ttfn.

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