Thursday 26 July 2007

Argentina. . . . .

At the end of a relatively uneventful day, it's nice to sit down with your work chums and quietly chat. Unfortunately, this was not to be the case. Next to us was the Peru contingent and opposite were the argentinians. As Peru finished their meal they had a chant where they all got up. This was followed by a round of applause by the whole restaurant. The argentinians then chanted Peru, To witch peru clapped. Then they chanted argentina with everyone joining in. This was then followed by The argentinians chanting england as we were clapping for them. And finally to leave the room they did a dance which looked like the conga. Great fun had by all. The evening was spent listening to liberty x on the Jamboree radio station which was broadcasting from the UK contingent party. For anyone who might be interfsted, a have heard both explorer units have arrived on site. I will see if i can find them tomorrow. Good night.

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