Wednesday 4 July 2007

Still no news on job . . . . .

I raced home last night, well, within the speed limit's anyway, to see if any news on which job I'm doing at the Jamboree. I did hear a rumour that I'm on bog duty for toilets numbered 10,352 - 12,634. Only joking, but still haven't heard. In fact, no-one I know has heard. I've checked the Jamboree website today, and it says that they are sending out in "dribs and drabs". It also doesn't help that there wasn't any post yesterday due to the Post Office strikes!! However, I had forgotten about this!!

Yesterday the Jamboree song was launched. It's available from Tesco's via the below link (and find it from there!!)

The ideas is if loadsa people download it may get to no 1. I think the top 40 would be an achievement. The song Jambo isn't too bad and I quite like the other song One World One Promise which are on the £4.99 CD. I've yet to get my copy, but I gave Claire a lift home last night and she'd bought it.

Explorers last night they started to make a DVD on colours for Sam. Sam (Steph's Son - See Steph Blog) has Down's Syndrome. He is doing really well with signing. Everyone's working on colours at the moment. Next week the Explorers will video it. We'll see what they produce.

Current counter on my Jamboree list is:

Got 62 Items
Not Got 31 Items.

Anyway, ttfn, tonight is getting the food order sorted for District Camp this weekend.

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