Monday 16 July 2007

One week to go!!!

Arrangements have finally been sorted.

Firstly, before the Jamboree, I'm camping at Blackwell Court, Bromsgrove. After final discussions with Junior and Lodders (Laura and Dave!) we've decided to all meet up on Sunday evening at Blackwell and camp overnight there.

Monday morning, the plan is to leave at roughly midday. To get to London, (or should I get into the lingo, Laaandan!! <-maybe not!) we will be going via Tewksbury, a nice straight route, NOT!

After a short stop at Mr & Mrs Lod's house, it's off to Laaandan, sorry London and then to Billericay, Essex. We're all stopping over at my Auntie and Uncle B's house. Actually in their garden in tents. It'll be like a huge adventure!! 3 weeks and camping at a number of different locations. Great fun. The rain should help too!!

Tuesday morning, hopefully, with a quick trip past the site (as it is on the way to North Wield), we will head to the start of the 2.5 weeks. After some time booking in and faffing, we should be able to make our way to the actual site, walk for 45 minutes carrying all our kit, and arrive at the IST Adult Camp site. This will be home to the 10,000 people who will support the Jamboree.

From there, we need to sort out selves out, set tents up and so on. The tents will be set up depending on where we are working. Unfortunately, we don't know what we're doing yet. Hopefully we will find out before we leave!! So watch this space!!

After getting ourselves sorted, and a number of meetings, the first meal on-site we are to have will be on the evening. In the "largest structure on site", 135m Adult restaurant. And the menu, looks like a nice varied menu. It's making me hungry already.

Then from there, we don't know what we're up to. Depending on what role we've got and where we are working, depends on what we're up to.

As for this past weekend, the plan, seeing as I wasn't doing anything, was to pack. I managed to sort out most of my clothes, they are now washed, not packed tho! I also sorted out some of the other bits and bobs I'm planning to take. As for packing, not much got actually packed, infact, nothing did! Well, that'll be a job for sometime later in the week. I did however go to a great BBQ on Saturday night. Excellent fun.

Tonight, Explorers, we should be making video's to teach a child colours. Interesting concept, but requires a long explanation!!

Speak soon,


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