Wednesday 16 May 2007

D Weekend - Saturday

As normal for camp wake up to a yawn, followed by a very fast dash to the toilet for a quick leak. 7:30, Saturday morning, what a fantastic time of day. Dave, Peter and Junior seem to still be asleep. Hmmm, what to do . . . then I hear shuffling, 8:00 Dave's awake and Peter appears from somewhere. After a little discussion, we decide we need to get breakfast. From memory, Laura required something . . .  but what . . . . .??? So, a little shake on the tent a number of groans and a shouted shopping list later we were off to the shops. (I'm trying my best to make a grocery trip exciting!!). Round the shops we go, picking up Sausages, Junior's shouted list, bread, bacon, butter and other very fattening foodstuffs. Through the checkout and back to Gilwell.

At arriving back on site, someone managed to drive past me and slash mud up my legs! Anyway, after cooking breakfast and washing up, I notice a few people from across the County and District I recognise. There was Dave and Veronica, Claire C, Paul B, Phil, (another chap who I always say hello to but I can't remember his name - sorry bloke!), Keith R and many many more.

So, chatted to them, packed up cooker and collected Junior and Dave for our day trip to London. The trip to London was nice with me sitting in a coach to myself and Dave and Junior sitting in the next coach back. This was basically due to me jumping on to the first carriage followed by Dave and Junior and then getting off again and moving forward expecting them to follow. They didn't!!

On arriving in Liverpool St. station at sometime after midday, we decided that our first port of call should be Covent Garden. We stayed there most of the day. Picked up some souvenirs from the local area, looked in the market, the London Transport Museum shop and a number of outdoor shops including the Ellis Brigham Shop with the vertical ice climbing wall. Well worth a visit if you're in the area. Then after watching Charlie Chaplain 2nd and Dave trying to help a chap who had a epileptic fit (the blokes friends shoed Dave away from helping despite them not seeming to know what to do), eating an ice cream and a couple more stall, we headed off to Harrods.

Harrods is an interesting place especially when you're wearing muddy trousers, hiking boots, and a muddy top.  We headed straight for the toy section where we found some aliens which when you clapped started them giggling and a jiggling. After a good half an hour of trying to get the whole shelf to go off together, we look at the rest of the toys. We were just about to leave when we passed the giggling aliens again. A little error in judgement saw a lady who was stood next to me jump out of her skin as I ran up an started clapping  to which the aliens started giggling and jiggling!! Ooooppss!!! Then back to site.

Once back at site, we had our prepaid tea (burger and chips) and played an interesting game called Kubb which is a Viking Game which consists of a number of different sized blocks being throw at each other to beat your opponent. Great fun!! For anyone who is interested, just Google Kubb and there are lots of sites!

So, after winning my first game of Kubb and then watching Dave hand his game on a plate to Junior, we headed off to the night-time disco/band which were stunning.  After a few lemonade's I found my self sat chatting to a couple of the boys from Bath Gang Show. Then to bed ready for the briefing Sunday morning!

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