Wednesday 16 May 2007

D Weekend - Friday Night

So, it had finally arrived. The weekend we go to Gilwell Park, Essex to pick up our kit, meet some of the rest of the IST, get instructions and more importantly relax and make new friends.

With the final discussions on arrangements via email with the 3 guys I was taking down Gilwell, I left work at 5pm and headed off to Pick person 1 up. Dave (Lodders). Followed by person 2, Peter and finally person 3, Junior (aka Laura).

After ramming my Ford Escort full with people and kit we headed off. The journey it's self was uneventful, with the exception of the heavy rain. After arriving at Gilwell Park, booking in and parking we all go out of the car.

Looking at the weather I made the school-boy error in keeping my trainers on and headed off to Essex Chase to put our tents up. By the time we arrived at a suitable site, my feet were a little damp!! Anyway, tent set-up and looking at my phone I realised that the battery was dead. So unfortunately this is the reason why I have no pictures of the weekend.

After sorting kit into place, we headed over to the obviously non-alcoholic bar! for a Lemonade or two. Upon arriving we were informed that it was almost time and we could get a double round in if we wanted. So, armed with my 2 lemonades we sit an chat.

After time, we head back to the field where there was a large group of people. These people turned out to be a Network from Essex. After the general introductions I worked out I must haven been at least 5 years older than the oldest there. Boy didn't I feel old!! So we chatted to these and after a while I headed off to bed. This was mainly due to the oldness I was feeling.

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