Friday 4 May 2007

Chaos and St. George's Day - Part 2

So we parade down Broad Street and into Centenary Square. While the rest of the Districts are getting ready, I managed to take a pic off the stage looking across some of the crowd:

The show went on stage and the three casts looked stunning. Our cast did us proud, they were fantastic!!! And for the finale all three casts went on stage (and across the front due to space restrictions!). Our cast is in the left third.

I've got hundreds more pics, but best not put them up!!!
See links for more pics by others:

St. George's Set 1
St. George's Set 2

If you want a pic of me, I'm hiding on this website!!! Go to here and search for IF22040George:

Birmingham Mail

As for what's next, Gang Show in a Nutshell later this year and the Jamboree!!
Back to reality, this weekend, I'm off walking in the Wyre Forrest area. Should be fun and blisters!!

Speak soon,


Please note: All copyrights to their respective owners!!

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