Friday 4 May 2007

Chaos and St. George's Day - Part 1

Hi to anyone who reads this,

Everything has been a little chaotic recently. The main reason for this was St. Georges day!!

For St. Georges Day and the Centenary, Birmingham City Council and Birmingham County Scout Association came together to produce a parade down Birmingham's Broad Street with street entertainment, a walk past, St. George on a horse and a show.

East Birmingham Gang Show with Handsworth and Sutton Gang Show's were asked to put on a show to entertain the people. East Birmingham we rehearsing since January. With a stage shipped in an everyone rehearsed it was time for the parade down Broad Street.

So we headed off to find the rest of Spitfire District.
The words needle in a hay stack come to mind:

This is a view from Broad Street looking towards Five Ways. Spitfire District was half way though the tunnel when we found them. Here are a few more pics from inside the tunnel:

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