Saturday 30 July 2011

There's wet....and there's soaked!!!

It's probably best to say that the weather hasn't been great over the past 48 hours. My phone, which I'm using to blog from, has spent the time wrapped up in numerous layers of plastic to try and keep it dry. So sorry for no updates yesterday I didn't want to risk the phone. selfish I know!!! ;)

Yesterday evening I managed to make it across to the full unit, but no further. Luckily, I did manage to spot these two on their travels. According to them, despite the rain they are having a great time.

The water is sooo bad, my 9 month old walking boots see beginning to fail. Don't worry parents, the young-uns wont be out in the rain as much as me.

Anyway, friday was basically work food rain and visiting the full unit.

Catch you soon

1 comment:

G@ndhi said...

Hi Dave,
Sorry to see you're having a typical British summer. In contrast the weather here is so nice the farmers are out in their Combine Harvesters, so I'll be getting as much sleep tonight as you've been getting (yes, the farmers work 24 hour days at this time of year).

Looking on the bright side, you'll be getting this weather in a couple of days time.

Paul R aka G@ndhi.