Sunday 24 July 2011

He jumped from 40,000ft.....

This news update is from the plane somewhere over the north sea. 

Actually when I send this we should have landed in copenhagen, but we will have to see.

I'm sat near the group from Albania and Leicester. 

Campfire songs seem to be being sung, however, I query the appropriateness of "John Brown's body". Incase you don't recognise the name, the song goes:

He jumped from 40,000 ft without a parachute (x3)
And he ain't gonna jump no more!

Glory glory what a hell of a way to die, when you're hanging by your braces and you don't know how to fly,
glory glory what a hell if a way to die
And he ain't gonna jump no more....

They scraped him off the runway like a lump of strawberry jam..... Etc etc

My phone is currently in "fly mode" and is hovering around the cabin, quite an interesting feature!! ;)

Done my first badge swap, bit sad, but shey ho!!

Due to land in copenhagen in about 40 minutes, then I need to work out how I'm getting from there to Rinkaby (and the jamboree site).

Time to either join in the songs or pretend to be asleep.


1 comment:

Caz said...

Love it!!!