Monday 8 August 2011

Awww, isnt that cute....

After sharing a tent for 2 weeks, look at them now....

There are places I remember...

As with the last jamboree, heres my tents footprint.

Goods time, but now a trek back to the coaches.

Woohoo, ist party

an amazing night just for ist.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Da-dum da-dum da-dum dshhhhh

dadadadaaa dadadadaaaa 'its the final countdown'

It was europe who played. Heavy rain showers for the closing ceremony, but it didnt matter. A great time was had by all.

The thunder storms were amazing afterwards and very heavy rain, but the two units should have been well under cover by then, only the silly people like be got caught in the rain.

No pics on my phone of europe due to bad weather, sorry.

Sean with his trophy!!

Apparently he was given this by his patrol. He was really excited, he seems to have embraced his feminine side. ;)

Saturday - final day for participants

Its finally arrived. The last day before departure tomorrow. Both units are packing up. Birmingjam are leaving at 2amish, so their plan is to sleep out in the large white catering tent. Webjam have the same idea, however, they arent leaving until 1pm, so I may be able to catch them before they go.

Tonight is the closing ceremony. It should be good.

Saturday 6 August 2011

The 'Final Countdown'???

As always, rumours are flying about the closing and the possibility of Europe playing. Personally, I think its unlikely, but you never know as they are on tour in this part of sweden as they are a swedish rock band!!!

We shall see, but im not holding much hope

Calm contemplation and panic packing.

There is a strange atmosphere on site.

Just finished my second last shift, one last visit to the castle for lunch as its fish in the ist canteen.

On my walk across, there is frantic packing going on to get everything down in time for the closing ceremony tonight.

There is also an air of quiet contemplation on the last 10 days.

No picture on this one. Sorry.

Friday 5 August 2011

Whatta view #2

This is mainly summer with a little of winter. Unfortunately you can't see the Webjam units site as trees were in the way, but birmingjam's site is in the V of the branches to the right.

Whatta view

Popped up the tower to get a view from above of the site. This is autumn subcamp. I work in the big white tent in the top left.

Bored of their units cooking??

Also met the leaders from Webjam, if you dont know the faces, from the left, Barry-BSWE, Keith-Birmingham, Graham-Birmingham, Steve-BSWE.

They decided they needed some properly cooked food!!! ;)

Happy CST's

went for a full english at the castle and saw 2 really happy cst's (Contingent Support Team). These guys look after all the uk contingent with a few others

Thursday 4 August 2011

*** NEWS FLASH ***

The P-Monitor has reached an unprecidented 30 litres of poo being pumped per second.

Pontus (da boss)

workimg hard!! Well, we are.....

Jitka from Czech Republic

Christian, one of the guys I work with....

hes ok, but he's from cornwall. S'pose someone has to be...... ;)

Pop Quiz: The Answer

A few days ago I asked is anyone could guess what the following statement means:

"Har du testat att ta av det och ta på det igen?"

It was ment to be "Have you tried turning it off an on again" however, it translates to:

"Have you tried to remove it and take it back?" - which made me giggle!!

Apparently, it should read:

"Har du testat att stänga av den och sätta på den igen?"

Culture Day

Well, today is culture day. Thats where everyine shows off their local culture, dress, food, dance etc etc. 

I spent the day emersed in various cultures testing their food!! ;)

Strangely, most of them were sweets or desserts!!! Very tasty!!!

This evening, everyone headed for a concert(?) Or gathering in the main arena.

The jamboree was joined by all the hosted from camp-in-camp, apparently almost 50,000 people.

Dear Steph,

This is why we need a fire engine for the unit......

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Mexico v's Webjam

after being invited to webjam for tea, the invite was recinded as they had been invited to the mexicans "next door". Hmmm not happy. No tea!!! To be fair, its more important than tea for me. Hope they have a good time

Scouts of china

got "fitz" in chinese characters in felt pen on my arm. 

Spot the error....

I found solihull. Can you spot the error????

Wednesday morning......

think my boots are giving up......this is a view of the heal.

BBQ / ha ha ha!!!

got to the birmingjam unit site to find lod struggling to get out of the hammock, we helped after we stopped laughing!!!

Then hungary

which is where I tired whipping....

Then mexico

With sean!!! Thanks for the flattering photo!!!

Then the belgium scouts

who had 5 cherubs (dressed in scout uniform) which were weeing into a hole. Some thing vaguely wrong about them. The tackle was hanging out!!

The world

After the breakfast we headed around to see the international tents. One of which started with the south korean tent and collecting some temporary tattoos.

Not sure what this is all about....

...but maybe I need one for the explorers!!! ;)

Sir Weedy

while queueing (a jamboree tradition) for about an hour and a half for our english, there was an english night there to entertain us. Hes not the classical knight tho, suprised he could lift the sword. ;)

In the line was a chap from hertfordshire, who just would stop talking,  but when he got his meal, he sat alone, so we took pity on him and decided to ask join us. I think he just wanted someone english to talk to. He seemed happier when we separated later.

Busy busy busy

sorry for no recent updates, its all a little busy here!! Both units have been on camp in camp, more on that later, however, 2 days ago I had a day off and celebrated with a full english! This is being served in the UK food hall, which is a castle. You wouldnt believe how nice it was!! ;) 

Sunday 31 July 2011

As british as afternoon tea and cricket. . . .

For the past 24 hours, we have had little rain. The world has been much nicer, however, as usual, the British are now complaining about the heat and the amount of sun and how nice it would be for a splash of rain to bring the temp down!!!

This afternoon, there was also a visit from a minor British Royal. I say minor, he's 186th in line to the British throne.

To be fair, he's HM King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden.

He had a tour of the Jamboree HQ and we made sure we didnät have the 'PooMonitor' open at the time, luckly as you can see, everything is 'flowing' correctly:

I didn't manage to see either unit directly today, however, I stumbled across Barry and Graham from WebJam wandering around lost, well, looking lost anyway. My phone battery was dead at the time tho, so no picture . . . .

It's almost time for bed, still working until 00:00 tonight, then a 30 minute walk back to site for sleep.

Learnt some swedish.....

Har du testat att ta au det och ta på det igen?

See if you can guess what it says without cheating.....

Comment with an answer

Saturday 30 July 2011

Found Clare and Ben

well, to be fair they found me!!! ;)


on the way to work I noticed this sign on the adult sub camp. Given that moSt of the Ist are walking miles each day, do they really need an exercise area? 

I can see a relaxation area, but to top it all off, from what I understand in this weather the hammocks are pretty "ville" ;)


"The sun is shining in the sky, there ain't a clouds in site, its stopped raining, everybody's in the hay, its a beautiful new day, hay ya ya" 

If you look closely, like really closely, is that blue sky???

Up in time for breakfast, then spent some time hiding from yet more rain between small patches of blue, before heading off  to spend the afternoon at work in the dry.

There's wet....and there's soaked!!!

It's probably best to say that the weather hasn't been great over the past 48 hours. My phone, which I'm using to blog from, has spent the time wrapped up in numerous layers of plastic to try and keep it dry. So sorry for no updates yesterday I didn't want to risk the phone. selfish I know!!! ;)

Yesterday evening I managed to make it across to the full unit, but no further. Luckily, I did manage to spot these two on their travels. According to them, despite the rain they are having a great time.

The water is sooo bad, my 9 month old walking boots see beginning to fail. Don't worry parents, the young-uns wont be out in the rain as much as me.

Anyway, friday was basically work food rain and visiting the full unit.

Catch you soon

Friday 29 July 2011

Working Hard

As I've had various messages that people have yet to see me working, I've added a pic of me working.

You should be able to recognise the "Sheep Trousers" - Those who know me!!!  :-)

Thursday 28 July 2011

The opening ceremony

arriving at the opening in heavy rain, but everyones spirits are very high. Hopefully itwill dry out for the evening

Birmingham and BSWE's impressive erection.

As I arrived, the unit were just putting up their flag pole. It is one of the largest poles in the subcamp and the biggest by far in the local area. 

The only problem was they had to take it down again to attach the rope for the flag.

On way to visit the 2 birmingham and bswe units. This is on the way to see then.

Bear at Jamboree

wow! Bear grilles just abseilled from the top of the stage. Quality is poor from a distance in the dark!

Wednesday 27 July 2011


I couldn't resist the title of this, given my last post . . . . sorry

Anyway, this is a picture from our webcam. The gentleman playing hide and seak is Mikael who is one of the Swedish 2nd line support team. They had decided to move the web cam as I took the picture.

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow, I will try and get some information of how the 2 units are getting along.

Night all . . .

The P-Monitor . . .

As you know, Im working in IT support. One of our monitoring jobs pics this up, it is known as the P-Monitor:

As you can see, there was an issue this afternoon.

The red line is flow rate and the brown area is the level of the tanks.

oh, did I forget to mention this is the Poo Flow Rate and the Poo Tank Level?   :-D

UK004 Arrives - Birmingjam has arrived onsite!!

Hot and tired, but in good spirits Birmingjam unit arrived on site.

Lunch - FISH!!

Those who know me, know I'm never too keen on Fish, however, that was lunch, so eat it or starve!!! :-)

UK005 Arrives on Site - WEBJAM IS HERE!!

Here they are starting to organise their camp.

All safe and sound.

Yummy, yummy, yummy

Breakfast was interesting this morning. It was the cheese and meat product as with previous mornings, however, there was also Natural Yoghurt with a sprinkle of cereal over the top. Strange, but nice ish.

Ha ha ha!!!

Sean (? spelling may be wrong) "The Hard Man of Blackwell" or "Mr Tough Guy" was out of his tent this morning grumbling. It seems he's been allocated to "Craft". He did say how he was looking forward to doing sticking and glueing, paint by numbers and the Hama Bead necklesses.

Good morning Jamboree

I woke up this morning and it seems that the world has been covered by a  fog.

The picture doesnt do it justice, however, it looked like a medieval battle field from films with various flags seen through the haze.

Hopefully, it'll clear up during the day

Me on Webcam - I am famous!!

Hi All,

Sorry for the delay in posts today, but I shall be completing the posts for today.

In case you are interested, we have got a webcam. It doesnät auto refresh, so you will need to press F5 or "Refresh" the page to get an updated pic. Keep your eyes out for me!!!

Iäm not working tomorrow, however, I am on today from 6pm until midnight


Tuesday 26 July 2011

The Swedes have arrived

This is another picture of winter from a different direction, but some tents have gone up as the swedish contingent have arrived. Tkmorrow tje rest of the world.

 Currently, the Temperature is in the early 20's, really nice summers evening.

Tonight there is a prejamboree party. Hope to get some pictures of that for you. The main stage is probably 30mins from the adult camp.

Winter subcamp centre

This is the winter sub camp centre. The boxes are the cooking tents for each of the units, I think..


Breakfast: porridge with apple sauce, 2 slices of bread, cucumber, cheese and some kinda meat. No coffee. Nice tho.