Wednesday 1 August 2007

100th birthday

Today marked the 100th birthday of scouting. A ceremony took place to renew the scout promise. After which we all sighed each others neckers. The aim was to collect 100 signatures. I'm sure i've got over 150. I checked my emails, as a number of you have left comments. As for me at work see pic. I was explaining how to recycle plastic at the time. Got my phone charged, hence the reason why no recent blogs. Back to work tomorrow. Catch you soon.


Anonymous said...

thanks fitz glad to see your working hard great to see your enjoying yourself keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Looking very brown, not very impressed I told you not to come back browner than me! Looks like the fake tan might have to come out or a trip to the sunbeds or.......oooh Spain looks good for my next trip, maybe I depart the 9th Aug! Beth xx

Anonymous said...

nice to see you on your blog