Tuesday 26 June 2007

4 weeks to go and counting . . .

Interestingly (or not), today is 4 weeks until we arrive on site and it's also a month from the start of the Jamboree.

I hope from now on to give a quick day by day account of what I'm up to.  Between now and then, there's The Pathfinder Weekend and District Camp, plenty of work to be done at work and lots of getting ready for the Jamboree. I hoped to find out what I'm doing, by the end of the week, as we were originally told we would know by the end of June. However, it seems to have changed now. The information we've got says we should know by early July, but some people might not know until they get to site.

Preparations for getting together all my kit is going well. I have got about 3/4 of the suggested kit list together, but Sir Lod and I need to sit down and work out if there is anything more we need to take. Junior is still working on whether she is coming along in the car with us.

The weather is finally looking better. But don't speak too soon. It might even be dry for the weekend!!! ;-)

So tonight, go home, possibly watch some 24 and speak to Mr Wedge (the nice 298th Group Scout Leader) about the use of their minibus for Pathfinder and the possibly early to bed.

Speak soon,

(well, hopefully tomorrow)

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