Wednesday 7 March 2007

My First Blog - What is the purpose?

So, here we are, my first real blog after testing the mobile blogging works.

What is the real reason for this blog, and why have I spent time and energy setting it up?

Well, for those of you who do not know, this year, 2007, is the Centenary of Scouting. As part of this years celebration, the 21st World Scout Jamboree is to be held in Essex, England. Attending should be 40,000 or so members of the Scout and Guide Associations from across the world. To run this site there are, I believe, 8,000 members of the IST (International Service Team). This team will deal with the general running of the site and activities.

With thanks to my manager, I have been allowed the time off in the summer to attend as part of the IST.

I think my friend's and family will be interested to hear how I am getting on (well, maybe not!!). With this in mind, it seemed logical to set up a Blog in which I can email in updates. So, here we are. . . .

From now, on the run up to the 2.5 weeks in July/August 2007, I will attempt to email in and update the blog with what I've been up to, photos, more useless information and general rubbish, which should leave a really boring read!! I then hope to be able to email into update this blog throughout the whole of the 2.5 weeks with new friends made, events as they happen and a sneek-peek into the background and what as part of IST I have been up to.

At the moment, I am not sure what I am going to be doing on site, I have applied for a number of onsite jobs, but we will have to wait to find out the outcome of that one!!

The idea for this came from the email updates my sister has been showering us with while she has been working with AV (Africa and Asia Venture). Caroline has been working teaching children English (and probably a number of bad habits and slang) to children in Kenya. I've also included a picture of Caroline teaching (See above), hope you don't mind sis!!

Hopefully, with the updates I'm sending in we should be able to prove whether this method will work easily.

If you happen to come across this blog and want to email me please feel free to do so. I hope to be able to pick up my emails from a field.

And on the off chance someone else from the IST or who is going to the Jamboree come across this, I would love to hear from you.

ttfn <waves>


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