Thursday 9 August 2007

There are places i remember all my life. . . .

It's strange to finally be leaving. It seems months since i was last at home. The pic is of the dead grass under my tent, or my tent's footprint. Across the site there seemed to be footprints all different shapes and sizes yet all from one huge shared experience. People have asked me if it was worth it, and the answer is yes. The experience is once in a lifetime but as with all things, they must come to an end. I hope to keep this Blog going, but on a less regular basis. Thanks to all those who read or made comments and i hope to see you all soon. Ttfn

Wednesday 8 August 2007

Found junior!

After 2 weeks i've managed to find Junior. I think she's been hiding from me, as seen in the pic!

So Sam what was the best thing about the Jamboree?

Sam is M.I.A. He left with Unit 007 in the early hours to goto paris. Last heard if was having a great time!

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So Ben what was the best thing about the Jamboree?

Waking up in the morning and seeing a different nationality walk past.

So Louise what was the best thing about the Jamboree?

The atmosphere and Black Magic and the ceremonys. I cried yesterday but Jess and Sam did too!

So Jess what was the best thing about the Jamboree?

I don't know, it's al been good!

So Andrew what was the best thing about the Jamboree?

Being in the arena with 40,000 and when Dan put me on his shoulders so i could see everything. I did almost fall off when he started dancing tho!

Tuesday 7 August 2007

The Lod!

Headed to the closing ceremony with Dave Lod, as pictured here!

The End. . . .

This really poor picture is the Mexican contingent on stage at the closing ceremony. The rain has stopped at we arrived and hopefully will be dry for the rest of the ceremony. Over the last 24 hours we have all been working hard to clear Trash. The site is now totally cleared! The work we put in over the first 4 days was cleared within about 8 working hours!

Sunday 5 August 2007


Sorry forgot to mention that the pic is me the boys from Bath Gang Show! Sorry guys!

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Day 52 on the Big Brother Campsite

I seen to have completely lost all track of days. I even tried to meet up with someone who is coming down tomorrow! Anyway, another day on Trash this time on Art which is basically making art out of Trash! Lucy, one of the white Trash girls (the organisers of Trash) is in hospital with some allergic reaction to something. Other than that, all great, hi to my regular emailers and hi to Simon who emailed me a few days ago. Catch you all soon.

The Ultimate Brown Nose Moment!

This was the point where i met the UK chief scout, Peter Duncan. He was in the middle of filming and stopped for a photo shoot for me. I did forget however to ask him for my Blue Peter badge! Anyway, yesterday was spent walking round with mat becky and the lovely beth. I had managed to swing a day off just for the occasion. The 006 unit went to splash and had a great time raft building and we saw most of Spitfire district there and half of Kinver service crew. Hi to all! A great day.

Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum

And I'm not gonna say who is which!

Friday 3 August 2007

Special extra quote from Ben

This is a special quote from Ben as i was walking to Black Magic: Someone broke my pole! Where's gate 2. I need a new pole!

Jess on TV

Just found out jess is on BBC News 24 on sat 4th august at 2.30pm and 9.30pm. I believe the second is a repeat.

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Thursday 2 August 2007

The signature necker

This is a pic of part of my necker that i got signed yesterday. Anyway, just had tea and i can't take it anymore. A slightly early bed time ready for more Trash tomorrow. Good night

The Happy Clappers!

After my failure to be able to see the 007 unit do their James Bond set because they ran it early, the 006 unit had got through from their sub camp to perform on their hub. A hub is for 4 sub camps. So we waited for then to be called. Their brief was to create a number that was less than 4 mins long. The previous number must have lasted almost 10 and had started to become boring. On went 006 who performed excellently a 3 minute number which left the audience wanting more. The cheer from the 50-100 watching was huge and well deserved. Out of the explorers i've been texting about only Andrew was involved. An excellent performance! Well done all!

So Sam. What's the best thing about the Jamboree

All of it! It's all too good to name one thing!

So Louise, what's the best thing about the Jamboree?

Water fights are pretty cool and Twister with the Americans was petty cool too!

So Andrew, what's the best thing about the Jamboree?

Performing on stage tonight doing our clapping should be good.

So Jess, what's the best thing about the Jamboree?

Meeting new people.

So Ben, what's the best thing about the Jamboree?

The pillows that we was given with our sleeping bags.

Make some noise!

This is Trash Music. Ie, making music from Trash! This is what I'm working on today!

Wednesday 1 August 2007

100th birthday

Today marked the 100th birthday of scouting. A ceremony took place to renew the scout promise. After which we all sighed each others neckers. The aim was to collect 100 signatures. I'm sure i've got over 150. I checked my emails, as a number of you have left comments. As for me at work see pic. I was explaining how to recycle plastic at the time. Got my phone charged, hence the reason why no recent blogs. Back to work tomorrow. Catch you soon.

Tuesday 31 July 2007

Quote of the day from Ben

I have the showers the waters gone off!

Quote of the day from Louise

We got on radio, yay!

A Quote of the day from Jess

They're trying to swap me for a fortune cookie!

Quote of the day from Andrew

Don't get scamed when badge swapping!

Quote of the day from Sam

Henna takes ages to dry!

Jess on TV

This is Jess being filmed for BBC

Monday 30 July 2007

To the end.

The end of another busy day. I seem to have blogged loads today, but it's also been a busy day. Although this whole Jamboree has been very busy and tiring, the friendships forged have been solid and the times unforgettable!

It's Tim's birthday

According to Tim, the pic on the blog was quite boring. So here's tim's entry!

Quote of the day from Ben and Louise

Actually they were MIA when i went. Apparently they had gone to the sub camp hub to the party. The pic is of the spice girl bus. Anyway off tim's birthday.

Quote of the day from Andrew

Um, ah, uh. I can't think of one!

Quote of the day from Jess

We need toilet paper!

Sam's quote for the day

We need more ruffidge, i haven't been for days!

Sunday 29 July 2007

More loopiness!

This was another italian in the red hair being silly. If's was being an old man for some reason. Anyway, the first day me Trash opening was great. A teething problem or 2 before we started, but in the end all went well. This evening was mainly spent in the bar speaking to and American called Chris. In bed now tho! Hi to all times who emailed me. Special hi to the wedges, the clipstones and liz. As for the question about the rest of the site. I hope to get round it on sunrise day, aug 1st. Good night all

Loopy italians!

This is Luca on the mic during lunch today. He's from a town near milan in italy. At the time he was ringing along to Girls Wanna Have Fun. Great sense of humour!

The weather rock!

On my way to Trash i spotted this. A rock suspended from a tripod made from sticks with a note saying: Weather Rock! When it's dry it's sunny. When it's swinging it's windy and when it's wet it's raining.

Been busy!

Yesterday, our day off, was really busy. The opening ceremony was huge. I was then called by jude to hang a curtain and a number of other jobs include fix a pc. Left there at 9pm, had tea and headed to the bar. Just before midnight the heavens opened and the resulting river covers half the camp site. This time the water has sat on the surface so it's more water than mud. Today is the first day the Trash opens to both the public and the Jamboree contingents. The queue for breakfast is huge and i've currently got about 40 minutes to have breakfast and get to Trash. Bye

Scouts from around the world. . .

The opening ceremony

Friday 27 July 2007

Day 4 in the Big Brother Campsite. . . .

Firstly, thanks to all those who have sent me emails and left comments. Ie lesley and paul and 2 others recently. If you leave a confou it would be ace to know who has sent it. If you could leave you name or imitals on the blog it would help. As for today it's been another busy day. Most of the Trash site is finished. We did however finish at 8ish. The weather has been great. I'm burnt on my head, but it's just started to rain lightly. And the 5 day weather forecast is great. Hopefully the opening ceremony will be excellent with prince william. I'm very tired, speak tomorrow. Ttfn

Birmingham 007

Found the other birmingham unit. Here's sam. They're a bit wet after being drenched yesterday both in birmingham before they left and here when they arrived. Apparently 2 bags fell out me the coach on the way down but i didn't get to the bottom of whose bag it was. With the exception of a few teething problems everything is going great for both units. Off to Trash now. See you soon.

Found Birmingham 006

Found 4 enigma explorer scouts, ben, andrew, jess and louise. They couldn't stop talking about liberty x and lamar concept last night. Now to find birmingham contingent mk 2.


Well, actually i was going for 'Oh What A Beautiful Morning'. The weather seems to have taken a turn for the better. I saw this view from my tent as i got up. One problem so far is that when i got up at 6.05 according to my alarm clock, the shower was running really slow, but it was nice. However returning to the tent a good half an hour later i noticed it was still 6.05. It seems my new alarm clock has lost the ability to tell the time. Note, the second hand is still spinning! Looking at my watch i must have been up at about 5 this morning! So sat having a relaxed breakfast and i might even be able to see the two birmingham units before work starts. Bye for now.

Thursday 26 July 2007

Argentina. . . . .

At the end of a relatively uneventful day, it's nice to sit down with your work chums and quietly chat. Unfortunately, this was not to be the case. Next to us was the Peru contingent and opposite were the argentinians. As Peru finished their meal they had a chant where they all got up. This was followed by a round of applause by the whole restaurant. The argentinians then chanted Peru, To witch peru clapped. Then they chanted argentina with everyone joining in. This was then followed by The argentinians chanting england as we were clapping for them. And finally to leave the room they did a dance which looked like the conga. Great fun had by all. The evening was spent listening to liberty x on the Jamboree radio station which was broadcasting from the UK contingent party. For anyone who might be interfsted, a have heard both explorer units have arrived on site. I will see if i can find them tomorrow. Good night.

Day 3

With the exception of half an hour yesterday afternoon, it's been dry. Most of the site has dryed out and there are only a couple of mud baths left. I'm currently walking from the adult camping area to the Trash site to start the day's work. My legs are aching slightly, and are very stiff. We are walking a huge distance every day. Today is when the UK contingents arrive on site. I hope to see if i can find then later. I assume this is all coming out as a single block. Unfortunately i an unable to add space lines in. Bye for now

Wednesday 25 July 2007

Happy birthday jude!

The photo is taken in one me the IST bars. We've all met because of judes birthday. In the photo is jude, bottom left. Next tim, then gary then geoff. For those who know gary or gareth, the computer system has name wrong. Hence Gary. Ttfn Fitz

Ahhh breakfast!

An hour wait this morning for breakfast. But all good in the end. The pic is of one of the 2 food halls we're eating in. The whole structure is two of these tents long and 3 wide. It's huge!

End of day one

It's the end of day one. In bed, in a peaceful field in Essex. This afternoon, as we didn't have any thing to do, we offered to help the catering team out. After 6.5 hours we finished. Made a few new friends. Bernard and michael from surrey, a bloke frOm Bristol area and 3 ladies from finland called kaiser, jonna said yonna and Sirpu. Apparently not said as it's spelt. I don't think british international relations are going well! And note for future. English humour doesn't translate well. Ttfn

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Tuesday 24 July 2007

The tent's up!

I've arrived on site. And pitched my tent. Although it doesn't look like it, I spent ages organising it. The site has some come dry bits and some very muddy bits. I'm about 100m from the toilet and shower block and about 300m from the farther north left hand corner of the site. I'm about to change into shorts and go exploring. I also need to fine out what my job 'On Site Programme' is doing. Also dave and laura have good to their site down on the map from me. I think I've put a link on my web said to a map of the site. If not it's on the Jamboree website. Anyway, catch you all later.

The entrance

Well kinda. H'll try and erod the actual have at some point. 30 minute walk now to site

Check in