Monday 8 August 2011

Awww, isnt that cute....

After sharing a tent for 2 weeks, look at them now....

There are places I remember...

As with the last jamboree, heres my tents footprint.

Goods time, but now a trek back to the coaches.

Woohoo, ist party

an amazing night just for ist.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Da-dum da-dum da-dum dshhhhh

dadadadaaa dadadadaaaa 'its the final countdown'

It was europe who played. Heavy rain showers for the closing ceremony, but it didnt matter. A great time was had by all.

The thunder storms were amazing afterwards and very heavy rain, but the two units should have been well under cover by then, only the silly people like be got caught in the rain.

No pics on my phone of europe due to bad weather, sorry.

Sean with his trophy!!

Apparently he was given this by his patrol. He was really excited, he seems to have embraced his feminine side. ;)

Saturday - final day for participants

Its finally arrived. The last day before departure tomorrow. Both units are packing up. Birmingjam are leaving at 2amish, so their plan is to sleep out in the large white catering tent. Webjam have the same idea, however, they arent leaving until 1pm, so I may be able to catch them before they go.

Tonight is the closing ceremony. It should be good.

Saturday 6 August 2011

The 'Final Countdown'???

As always, rumours are flying about the closing and the possibility of Europe playing. Personally, I think its unlikely, but you never know as they are on tour in this part of sweden as they are a swedish rock band!!!

We shall see, but im not holding much hope