Tuesday 5 October 2010

Email just in. . .

"Dear IST applicant

Stand by: this is the email you have been waiting for!

Now that the Gilwell Park IST Second Wave Selection has taken place, I am delighted to offer you a place to join the UK Contingent as a member of the IST!"

Woo-hoo!!! I'm going to Sweden!! :)

Sunday 3 October 2010

Homeward bound . . .

After a great day in the wet, heading home. Won't fidnout if I'm in until next week. Watch this space.

I am not a number :)

Me for the day!! Waiting in the queue for coffee!! :)

Arrived at Gilwell Park

Now for the days activities!!

Missing you all a gang show! Have fun!!!

On the road

The journey starts! 6:30am, leaving home, all packed. Raining tho :(

Silly time in the morning! (5am! On a sunday!!)

Just time to get up, get my stuff together, have a wash and head to Gilwell for IST Selection!! Hopefully I'll get in!

Will find out next friday!